Future Leaders Are Business Leaders And No More Political Leaders For The World (Mark Zuckerberg Campign is started in USA)
Old days Kings are ruled the world by fight with another king(Warrior skills-War). Later its turn to Democracy and ruled societies by defeating component in Voting process (Political skills-Election) Future it will turn to every thing become business and ruling for money by defeating other business leader(Business Skills-World) Day by day world is become a smaller and communication is one end to another end also faster because of social medias like Face book, YouTube, Twitter and so many other mediums. Few countries' president we do not know but face book president known for the world at the same time face book is helped to get freedom for one country recently and it is good for the society. Now societies are become a narrow and globe will use one language so sooner that is English. Business will work in two places that is backward or forward areas of the society and future world will come forward society so full of choice for the business as well as business leade...