We know sun is a star and sun is planet as well but why can't all stars are not considered
as planets if that is the case N-number of planets are existing in the
solar system and that structure is difficult to understand even
scientist so that's why they are ignoring as powerless planets by giving
some convincing answer in some and another way. By great invention
telescope is came into existence but that is not sufficient and more
advanced tools will come in future to do more research on solar system. At
the same time our great scientist when they are launching satellites
they are not confident and they will check weather is fine to go. They are more worry about satellite direction because
anything will come in that direction then they will use there backup
plan that is they will send satellite to sea and which is build of lot
of efforts,intelligence as well as lot of money and time but sad to say
it is part of learning. Learning is never ending and we can't sit idle because
we are humans and monkey mind. Till now our thinking and learning is
went in good way but if it will in negative then we will not be there
America is the best country in the world, If it is which are the parameters are there and how it can prove those are achieved and agreed by globally. In Computer and technology few company's are famous like Apple, Cisco,Facebook and Doing politics to fight side by side country's and selling weapons technology is great. If country is full of talented why unemployment is more and why president is not allowing other country citizens to work and he can't concentrate on creating job opportunities. America is number one country in the world and to get that number one position only money earning is enough that may be official word is GDP. It's a matter of how many lives are saved without hungry, how many people lives are changed for betterment. America inside they do not have any problem of unemployment, Orphans, gangs, safety and security. To increase safety and security, If we stop people coming from Muslim country's or stop flights is enough...
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