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Showing posts from 2018

Stock Robot (AI/ML Tool) Will Change Stock Market Trading Style

Stock Robot: Artificial Intelligence (Ml-Machine Learning Language) is a booming word in the market of Information technology and its gone be change every market of course stock market as well. Stock Robot needs historic data of stock market from its started, global market data, global economies data and news data are required to be mapped to Robot to do data analysis in a fraction of seconds then it will suggest us to take proper decision to buy/sell stock on the market and it will be risk free decision .Market manipulation after Stock Robot is less and no can play how they want or control the market. Market Manipulation: Everyone knows how market is manipulating in certain situations and those times many of small investors are losing their money. Companies also showing wrong financial statements sometimes special in their balance sheet and income statements. Stock Robot can easily find out problem in financial statements according to the past data/scenarios and it will

Small Story from Shivaiah

Shivaiah staying with his wife and three sons happily in a village kailasapuram. Kailasapuram is under Kashi kingdom and ruling by Kashi king. Shivaiah educated farmer, he has respect in kailasapuram because his hard work and knowledge. Shivaiah family is a middle class and his two elder sons want to settle in a Kashi town .So, they have plan to go to Kashi and they want to do business in that place and they shared this thought to his father and he said them we will discuss tomorrow .Next day morning shivaiah went to field with his younger son   to plant cotton trees and his younger son told to his father about his brothers idea about their business plan. Shivaiah asked to his younger one, you do not have a plan to go with them then he replied no as of now. Shivaiah again asked why you do not want to go with them then he replied I am happy to do farming. After coming back from the field shivaiah sat on the chair in front of the home then his two elders came asked about capital, refe

Blood on Bed

Babu loves Pinky from his teenage and one good day he proposed to her then she is accepted because she is also loves him. Pinky is a beautiful lady and Babu looks wise he is average guy but Pinky loved him heart fully. He married Pinky so easily due to she is her uncle daughter as well both are rich and they are staying in Dollars colony at Bangalore. Few years later they gave birth to one girl child. Days are moving faster and their baby also grown up bigger and she becomes teenager and her daughter is more beautiful than her mother. Most of the Pinky relatives and friends used to say Pinky you look younger than your daughter perhaps god did mistake instead of sisters he made has mother and daughter. Pinky and her daughter used to laugh for their comments. Babu busy with his business and he wants to double his money so he used to do lot of hard work for his family. Pinky told Babu many times you better spend some time with family instead of business so we will be happier t

Allie Love Story: ( Alien’s Suicide Love Story in Planet –III)

  God Gifted Baby: Allie beautiful Alien born with unique features those are not common in Alien’s family. In Planet –III Aliens are similar to humans but their hands, legs and head will cover with metal protection layers in silver colour but in case of Allie it is in gold colour. This layer is for a protection purpose and it will come out in war time to protect their body. Allie born has a different than the others is due to her mother Kaleen pray to the god Jamba (Alien’s God) sincerely so Jamba was impressed for her prays and given a word has your baby will born many powers and she will do many good things to the world. In Planet-III gravity is similar to us and Aliens height is common of 7 feet and nervous system count in trillions. Aliens take nitrogen instead of oxygen in Planet –III and they release oxygen instead of carbon dioxide .Flying machines they use for transport those are similar to our rockets in terms

I Love Blood-Blood Is Everywhere And Life Is All About Blood

  I love blood because of below reasons:   - I came to this world with blood from mother womb and everyone called me as blood baby.   - I Born with shortage of blood so many given their blood and helped me to survive. I should be thankful to them (I have corrupted because accepting another -Caste/Community/Religion person's blood as per spiritual).   - In kid stage, I killed many ants and insects because of afraid and sometimes for entertainment.  - I love chicken/Mutton due to my family background/survival and my hungry is little more . I do not have an option except to take out blood from animals . -I wrote love letter with my blood to impress my first lover but she did not accepted my proposal so I cut my hand with knife to prove my love is great. I thought that she will impress becasue heart function depends on blood circulation but logic did not worked out for me.    - I grow up as teenager, I need girl friend because my blood cells are