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First Crush -A Sweet Feeling Of Every One

First Crush, If you asked anyone then there face will be brighter and it's a good question you can ask anyone because they are happy to share there felling. Most of the people are felt the first crush feeling when we are in schooling. If we remember her/him anytime then that time our smile will come automatically on our face. It will happen this feeling with our friends or best friends or Teachers and its common in that age, But feeling is so good to remember. We do not the reason why we should like her in that age because we did not grown up that much and but we like her some known reasons or unknown reasons. It will sometimes happen because of there beauty,Goodness or helping nature or kind heart and so on. We will attract to her/him because of our own reason and most of the time, it is a one side and sometimes it is both sides. If we remember her or him any time we will happy for the whole day and you will be little romantic that day. You can forget your tensions as well as you can relief form your routine day. By fortunate reasons if we get an opportunity to speak about her we will not miss anything to explain about the full story.

This feeling is can't be replaced and it's memorable till the end of our life. By luck, My first crush is happened with a beautiful girl and that feeling is still great now. She is not good in education but I used to support her try to become good friend that's not happened so felt bad because of her beauty lot of competition is there in the class room and she is looks like confusing mind all the times to choose(I felt). But when I saw her, it is a great feeling in that age and become poet in those days by copy paste someone dialogues or some movie dialogues to make her attention on me but most of the times did not go good what I expected somehow managed. Still that smile is there in my mind and I am very interest to see her in everyday in class. If someone is told tomorrow is Sunday then my face become dull and I used to scold school management why can't they run on Sunday. Most of the Sunday's, I used to go near to her home and waited for her but most of the times she did not come when I waited after I left that place she uses to come out for play. If I remember about my friends and there crush,It is more fun than me because there first crush is on my English teacher. She is beautiful as well as kind heart so which will make everyone like her. Even for me also one percent crush is there on her as well because that much good heart person(😁). My friends used to go and ask her more doubts to interact wit her. Sometimes it will be misfire as because asking the same doubt multiple times she is used to get little angry and she used to give a punishment of standing sometime in the class but everyone is happy to stand on smile face because they liked her that much from there heart. Most of the teachers are not like my English teacher because all school children like her and they have ego issue for that.

My studies went good because of my first crush so for that I should say thank her but time is not come so this article is dedicated to her. If she is not there in my child hood or in schooling may be my study's went in other way I can't be imagine where I will be now. Most of the crush surrounding by went good and every one is happy for that. Few of them they kept there baby names either there first crush ones or loved one's names which they did not marry due to multiple reasons. If you read this article give your first crush name(nick names if you want privacy) and do not forget say thank her/him in the comment box.




America Is Really Talented - USA Is Great In The World

America is the best country in the world, If it is which are the parameters are there and how it can prove those are achieved and agreed by globally. In Computer and technology few company's are famous like Apple, Cisco,Facebook and Doing politics to fight side by side country's and selling weapons technology is great. If country is full of talented why unemployment is more and why president is not allowing other country citizens to work and he can't concentrate on creating job opportunities. America is number one country in the world and to get that number one position only money earning is enough that may be official word is GDP. It's a matter of how many lives are saved without hungry, how many people lives are changed for betterment. America inside they do not have any problem of unemployment, Orphans, gangs, safety and security. To increase safety and security, If we stop people coming from Muslim country's or stop flights is enough

Angelina (A CEO Daughter) Love Story:

Steve stays in New York City with his family and he is CEO for sun shine Technology Company. Steve good in technology so he created many great things in the IT industry. He is role model for many people across the globe. He married Stella and she is college friend and they both done masters in IT from Harvard University. God gifted for them a girl baby Angelina so parents are happy. When she is growing they are more happy because of her intelligence appreciated by her teachers and family friends. Steve want to make her next CEO to his million dollar company so he can retire from his job. In schooling Angelina is topper and teachers are appreciated for her brilliant brain in all streams of subject. Angelina without book reading she will not sleep either it can be any kind of book. She completed college education and she is ready to take master in environmental science. Steve saw Angelina college application form and he got shocked,why she wants to take master

Google Idiot (Stolen Data For Stolen Heart)

Google Placement:  Jessica is a beautiful women and completed masters in information technology in Standford university. She is good in academics so she got a placement in Google with a good package but she is not satisfied what work is assigned for her and she wants to do more in her life so she is use to think a lot about technology in terms of coding staffs to create something else which is not existed in the current system. At the same time, She use to think about her special person. In her college days, she loved Michael but she did not express about her love because he is in a relationship with another women even though she thought to express about her love but did not work out might be she do not want fool in front of friends but she can do anything for him without any reason.  Literally, She is use to follow him in college every time unfortunately he is in another class so she use to struggle to catch him with her eyes in the campus sometimes she missed the