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Street Beauty Of Angelina-Stealing Heart Of Everyone

Mark has the street hotel shop owner and it is there in Chicago South and her daughter is Angelina. In the same lane his friend as same kind shop and his name is John and he has one son Clark. Angelina and Clark are good friends from childhood because there family knows each other as well as they study till graduation same colleges. They both have crush and they do not want purpose each other because they do not want to spoil the relationship as well as family's. But, Clark used to tell with his friends she is great women and want to purpose her on right time as well as want to marry her.

After completion of Graduation Angelina want to do hotel management because she can help to her father to expand same business. Clark want do MBA and he wants do good job in reputed company and want settle. He is trying to tell Angelina but she is not convinced with Clark thought. Angelina she used to help her father when she is free but Clark is not like that and he is lazy. Clark thinks like things to do things smarter way and settle soon. But Angelina is works harder and she wants stay with loved ones at any cost.

 Clark is Joined MBA in Newyork City at the same time Angelina also joined in Hotel management in Chicago and they are busy. They used to speak on weekends and when days are going Clark is attracted to Emily. Emily is class mate of Clark. Clark is busy with Emily to go out for party's and roaming. Clark is forgetting Angelina day by day but Angelina still she is loves him. Day by day Emily, Clark relation is going good and they want to marry once they got job. Clark is intimated the same thing with his dad and he said yes if you are really loves her. But, Clark father want Angelina as his daughter in law.
Things are moved faster and Angelina finished her hotel management. She is trying to expand father hotel business but she did not reach up to her exceptions of revenues. She is waiting for Clark and asking some ideas and want to propose about her love. Clark is come and she is very happy but Clark is also happy to say about her marriage matter with Angelina. Unfortunate both want to share about there feelings so Angelina given choice to Clark to say first,Then he said about Emily and his marriage proposal. Angelina felt bad and she did not say anything about on that because they already decided to marry. So, she does not want stop them and she does not want express about her love.she changed her words and said my hotel business is running so good after changes.
Clark did the marriage with Emily and they started family life in New York. Starting it is went there relation good after six months the problem is started and they are not compromising for small things fighting each other. Emily felling tired of relation ready to break up because he is not adjustment mind not doing things properly in the same way Clark is also thinking. Now Clark is remembered the Angelina and called to Angelina. Clark is asked how are you and how the things are going and started any relation then she said not yet. Angelina also asked Clark how the things are going then he said going routine. Daily he is calling to Angelina and he is happy to speak with her and it is going on, Simultaneously Emily also find new boy friend in her office. One day they decide to break up and ready to apply for divorce. Finally, Clark shared about the divorce matter to Angelina and she is said it's not a good decision, It's just been one year so try to compromise each other and lead life together. Then, Clark started to tell her past incidents as well as present Emily new life with her new boy friend as well as he wants to come back Chicago south.

He changed his job to Chicago south and he spent some time with Angelina when he is free. Clark got to know Angelina is not doing good in hotel business after expand as well. He is asked her the same thing you told lie to me then she replied “Clark you are busy with other things and you have another plans “. So, that's why I did not tell you because I do not want disturb. Clark is realized and want to do something for her and he is taken loan and given her to make changes infrastructure of hotel as well as menu, chefs. Clark is spending his weekends with her in hotel to help her. They both are taking care well by implementing the latest things in hotel to attract customers. There planed got work,Hotel good name in the market. Day by day earnings are increasing, Angelina,Clark and there family's are very happy about this.
Angelina father told to her to give money back to Clark. Her father said you got good match from California and he his my dearest friend son got settled in business. Then Angelina said no to dad about that match. She replied Clark is our bushiness partner and if it possible he will be my life partner. He got shocked and he understands she loves Clark so he said he is not good boy because he is lazy and he got divorce on so soon. Think about of all of this and take a decision then she said, I agree your words are correct but he his good. Angelina Father is understood there is no use of telling her anymore so he went to Clark and said she got a good marriage proposal so could make her change as well as he told she is loves you. Then Clark felt happy in inside because there is no worry to express about of his love. Again Angelina father started to telling Clark she is thinking about you because of your friendship, you helped her. So, tell her in proper way and try to change her mind. Clark said to Angelina father even though I am love with her and I will take care her good. Then Angelina father becoming angry face and he said your not good partner to her. So, please let her happy because she will get good life. Clark is committed to Angel father change about her mind regards this marriage proposal.

The next day Angelina asked to meet sometime to the Clark. Clark knows what she will tell in this meeting. They meet in the evening outside and Angelina she started telling about her love proposal. Clark is very happy inside but he should not express it out because he his given commitment to her father. So, Clark stopped her he said, I am treating you as best friend not as lover. She is started crying and controlled herself went out from that place. From that day, they are not meeting much like before. After few days Angelina said to her dad yes for marriage with California Guy. Her father is happy and made the arrangement with the help of Clark. Angelina marriage is over and they are planning to go California. They are reached to Chicago airport to catch the flight of California but Clark, Angelina mutual Graduate friend met Angelina, Asked Angelina where is your silly husband Clark. She got shocked and asked him he is loves me then he said yes when we are doing graduation he his used to tell about you and he wants to marry you. She is started crying, felt happy and said bye to California guy. She came out from airport called to Clark and asked where are you then he said I am in hotel after that she disconnected call. Clark is calling continuously but she is not picking and he is worrying,After some time she reached hotel by seeing her he felt happy.

Angelina went near to Clark and given Slap to him. She gave tight hug to him. She explained the airport scene to Clark. Clark also explained because of your father only I behaved like that. Then, She is said still you are poor do not worry I will make you rich. Clark said with her to you come back my life itself it is rich and I do not want anything more than this. After that they are married started family life and happy in there life.



America Is Really Talented - USA Is Great In The World

America is the best country in the world, If it is which are the parameters are there and how it can prove those are achieved and agreed by globally. In Computer and technology few company's are famous like Apple, Cisco,Facebook and Doing politics to fight side by side country's and selling weapons technology is great. If country is full of talented why unemployment is more and why president is not allowing other country citizens to work and he can't concentrate on creating job opportunities. America is number one country in the world and to get that number one position only money earning is enough that may be official word is GDP. It's a matter of how many lives are saved without hungry, how many people lives are changed for betterment. America inside they do not have any problem of unemployment, Orphans, gangs, safety and security. To increase safety and security, If we stop people coming from Muslim country's or stop flights is enough

Angelina (A CEO Daughter) Love Story:

Steve stays in New York City with his family and he is CEO for sun shine Technology Company. Steve good in technology so he created many great things in the IT industry. He is role model for many people across the globe. He married Stella and she is college friend and they both done masters in IT from Harvard University. God gifted for them a girl baby Angelina so parents are happy. When she is growing they are more happy because of her intelligence appreciated by her teachers and family friends. Steve want to make her next CEO to his million dollar company so he can retire from his job. In schooling Angelina is topper and teachers are appreciated for her brilliant brain in all streams of subject. Angelina without book reading she will not sleep either it can be any kind of book. She completed college education and she is ready to take master in environmental science. Steve saw Angelina college application form and he got shocked,why she wants to take master

Google Idiot (Stolen Data For Stolen Heart)

Google Placement:  Jessica is a beautiful women and completed masters in information technology in Standford university. She is good in academics so she got a placement in Google with a good package but she is not satisfied what work is assigned for her and she wants to do more in her life so she is use to think a lot about technology in terms of coding staffs to create something else which is not existed in the current system. At the same time, She use to think about her special person. In her college days, she loved Michael but she did not express about her love because he is in a relationship with another women even though she thought to express about her love but did not work out might be she do not want fool in front of friends but she can do anything for him without any reason.  Literally, She is use to follow him in college every time unfortunately he is in another class so she use to struggle to catch him with her eyes in the campus sometimes she missed the