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Tips For Interview Cracking - Freshers and Experienced

As per the request, so many users are asking about interview cracking tips. So, I thought to publish this article for every job seeker. Searching job is easy but you should now, which job you want and which are technical skills are required and you should work on it before you will go for interviews. As well as, You should prepare your Resume in well manner and if you are keeping something on your resume and you should know that thing. Do not keep anything which are the stuffs you do not know for a crazy reasons. Basically 2 kinds of interviews will be there and they are:

1) Formal Interviews

2)Informal Interviews

Formal interviews  are conduct in well manner and it will be go on schedule process and everything is revealed before the interview. For example , In case your interview is schedule with an MNC company they will tell how many rounds will be there,Job description and what are the staffs they are expecting. So, based on that you can prepare the technical staff as well as communication skills. One of the best suggestion from my end, If some one is giving time for an appointment you should be there on time because professional will not waste there time and if you came late for interview they will think like you are not an punctual and not discipline.  Time management is important thing for freshers as well as experience candidates . In case of Informal interviews are total up on there mood they will conduct and how they want they will conduct. I will say , better to go for formal interview instead of informal one's and most of MNC will follow formal interview pattern . Informal interviews,They will check your  technical skills along with they will test your comfortable work in stress environment and for that they will conduct Stress interview and so many things.

One more thing is your resume should be very simple look(font,space,size should be in same pattern and prefer font is Times New) and do not be complex because to make unique do not miss the standards. Your resume should be short and detailed what you did on past like your academics, your goal, your family details and your hobbies. For experience candidates  you should add your projects and job roles and responsibilities.

Most frequent questions interviewer can asks in interview are:

- Tell me about yourself or can you go through your profile ?

This question is a very common and you should explain about your self in detail and first it should be the greeting and after that you name and where you came , your academics ,your projects,your hobbies and finally about your family.

What do know about this Job and What kind of Job your looking?

I received mail/call  from Clark(which person is schedule your interview) regards this opening and I go through the job description based on that your looking an Java developer . So , I have done Technical degree from Stanford University and done academic project on Java. I am looking a job of java developer  in your company.

Why you want to choose this company?

Because your company is good  in the market in terms of Revenue, brand .Apart from that good work culture and good environment as well as much scope is there for employee learning to prospect.

So many questions like this are very basic and for that you should not bother much and you should not get tense much .You should be very confident when you are answering the question and you should take care your grammar and sentences. When you do not know do not be panic because there is no thumb rule like you should know by everything and you can say politely i do not know. If possible you can ask your interviewer can i know something about that question what it means or which area it relates to. After your interview is over and your interviewer asks you ,You have any questions then you can ask any question which is relates your job ,Current  industry changes , Company products information or technology they are using and you can ask about facilities like cafeteria, Sports or transportation.
For experienced candidates also same things needs to be follow apart from that you should prepare about your projects and what are the roles and responsibilities you are handle and which are technology/environments you are used .You should be aware of that in detailed which are the things your keeping on your resume.

For Experience candidates most frequent questions are:    

-Why you are looking for job change?

You can't say only monetary,Promotion reasons on straight .You can say like ' I am looking for a good opportunity where I can grow as well as company'. In other words you can say I am looking for betterment in personal and professional.(Personal mean monetary ,professional mean learning as well as you're promotions are what you are looking).

Be prepared well before your going for an interview and do not forget your target is you should convenience your interviewer( Psychology game). Be in formal dress and Shoe if you are experience candidate also because basic etiquette are very important.




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